TEST: What's Your Energy Type?


A rather animated man.

What's Your Energy Type?

Everybody has a type, and that goes for the way you use energy as well. What type of energy user are you? Take the test and find out.

A rather animated man.

Do you think and talk about energy efficiency and encourage others to conserve?

A rather animated man.

How often do you turn the lights off when you're the last one to leave a room?

A rather animated man.

Do you look for the ENERGY STAR® label when you purchase new appliances or devices?

A rather animated man.

How often do you adjust the thermostat to save energy at night or when you’re not at home?

A rather animated man.

Do you replace the filter on your HVAC system according to manufacturer’s recommendations?

A rather animated man.

How many lamps and fixtures in your home use energy-efficient LED bulbs?

A rather animated man.

How long do you typically spend in the shower — using energy and water?

A rather animated man.

Do you regularly look for ways to reduce energy waste in your home, such as unplugging unused devices?


Based on your answers, your energy type is:

The Champion

Energy efficiency is important to you. You're always on the lookout for ways to save energy and make your home more efficient, and you lead by example.


Based on your answers, your energy type is:

The Supporter

You’re happy to save energy if it’s easy and convenient. Your energy-using behavior is reactive in nature; you’ll take steps to conserve in response to higher energy bills or simple reminders.


Based on your answers, your energy type is:

The Procrastinator

You know it’s important to save energy, but you’re busy and have a lot on your mind. You’ll upgrade when a bulb burns out or equipment needs replaced.